The quality of your data is crucial for the success of your AI projects. When you are at the beginning of your journey in the world of AI, your company does not necessarily have access to a good quality data set. And the very notion of quality can sometimes be blurred.

At Scopeo, we support you in solving this problem and help you make your data a valuable high-quality asset.

This process may include data selection, verification, normalization, structuring, labeling, curation and especially data enrichment with public data, data synthesis and/or scrapping, which are essential for have access to valuable and reusable data at any time.

Improve the quality of your data for your AI uses

Garbage In ➔ Garbage Out

The philosophy Data-centric, initiated by Professor Andrew Ng (Stanford), consists of considering that state-of-the-art Machine Learning algorithms only need a little work to adapt to each problem and that most of the The performance of a project comes from the quality of the data and their annotations.

Today, this philosophy has established itself in the world of Data Science and everyone agrees that when it comes to data, quality takes precedence over quantity.

Qu'est-ce que nous proposons ?

We offer a specialist consultancy service, designed to help businesses understand and improve the quality of their data. In the digital age where strategic decisions are increasingly based on data and where AI is present in all processes, the quality of the latter has become of crucial importance.

What is the process?

Our team of expert data science & machine learning consultants performs an in-depth analysis of your existing data to identify potential data quality issues. We look for inconsistencies, missing data, duplicates, errors, and other issues that could affect the accuracy and reliability of your data. 

After this analysis phase, we work with your team to develop and implement an action plan. This action plan may include correcting existing errors, implementing new procedures for data entry, or training your staff to ensure data accuracy and consistency in the future. We explore the possibility of using external or synthetic data and manage a possible (re)-labelling of your data if necessary.

Why a data quality mission?

The goal is to help you get the most out of your data. By improving the quality of your data, you can make more informed decisions, reduce costs associated with data errors, and improve the efficiency of your operations and all your artificial intelligence applications.

If you're stuck with the performance of your machine learning and AI projects, it's most likely a data problem. Working on algorithms when the data is not properly cleaned and labeled is building on mud.

Moreover, our team is made up of experts who have extensive experience in various sectors. This means we understand the specific challenges in your sector and can offer tailor-made solutions to meet your needs.

Take control of your data 

Data quality is more than just a buzzword; it is an essential part of the success of any modern business. With us, you can take control of your data and use it to drive your business to new heights.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business understand and improve the quality of its data.

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